mardi 24 février 2009

good guys ,vilains & shinobi ninjas....

here we go again with some another page of research.
there is only one sweet character who i hesitate to draw, its the princess.
Am not really convience about her face,i'm still strugglin on her profile,who
supposed to be sweet n' naive at the same time.
For the ninja girl with the scarf,its excatly what i had in mind !!
Its not all the time like that,its complex...sometimes it comes easier and
sometime...well its more longer.
Thats exactly what happen with the princess.

mercredi 18 février 2009

the flower lady

i dont know if am gonna use that character or not,she just came from
nowhere ...

mardi 17 février 2009

lundi 9 février 2009


here are the first few research on the elder twins brother
named ,yazu...some of them was made in 2003 t'ill last year.
on the last drawing i did kazu with a scar on his face.

gonta / the father....

welcome in the world of futago,( twins in japanese ).i start to write this story
almost five or seven years ago,i decide to create that blog due to the tons of
sketches stock on my messy desk .the series is based around the duality
of two twins bothers livin 'round 1601 period .my idea was to seperate the
brothers in the very beginning of the story,and during there long journey,try
to show there big differences.well... its just the beginning here is some stuff
hope you liked enough and thanks to passin by ,and put a a comment...

