mardi 26 mai 2009

sensei kojidei-sketches 2

another version of the sword master.

une autre version du maître d'armes.

5 commentaires:

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AYA a dit…

This one is cool! I'm wondering that you really love Japan and happy to know about it.

kalonji a dit…

thank you very much aya.its true i do really love japan a lot, since my first trip 9 years ago. it' sa strange love affair with this country its not only samurai and war lords from the edo period or even kamakura era ,who touch me,its more then that... off course ,thks a lot
for appreciate my work its a great motivation i remenber that you are the first who join my blog! i feel very touch its a honor because its also a part of your history...i mean a heritage. take good care of you and justin

Georges ABOLIN a dit…

le chaînon manquant entre la bd belge et le manga !

kalonji a dit…

merci beaucoup :-)