jeudi 1 octobre 2009

SHINOBI KURARA NO NIKKI -teaser color version

all those great color version are made by my friend myriam ,who will work 'on the comics project for the i-touch & i-phone :-) so excited !!


4 commentaires:

Trent Correy a dit…

This looks like a really cool project...personally I like the middle one, great colours, more of a graphic feel to it. awesome blog too!

CongotronicArtFx Ambassy a dit…

Alors Mister FouresTaGo Miriam took over on the coloring part ...
It looks good

victoriaying a dit…

Fantastic work!

kalonji a dit…

thanks trent ,the middle one is also my favorite.VICTORIA your work too is just a blast !! cheers for the comment! yo ma men congotronica, am really that you love this 3 exemples great stuff from myriam!